[Water] GUMI - Sentimenting (センチメンタルな愛慕心)
MIX/VOCAL Water @misty_wt
MASTERING Nero @mono_neru
It's been a while since I've been singing it, but I've been putting it off and uploading it. I hope you listen to the song well though it is not enough! Thank you!
思い返したらいつでも 手を握るのはあなたからだった
Omoicaetara Itzdemo Theo Nigiruno and Anatakaradata
When you look back, you always hold your hand first.

Seda Okubuna WatashinoYes
It's because of me who's scared.

無口なあなたが時々 気持ちを言葉に乗せてくれる
Mukuchina Anata Komochio Kotovani Nosetekureu
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, sometimes you

それだけで私は幸せで 笑顔になれてたのに
Soretade Watashi and Shia Wasede Egaoni Naretetanoi
That alone made me laugh because I was happy.

これからも恋人でいてなんて とても言えない
Korekaramo Kovito Itenante Totemo Ienai
I just can't tell you I want you to be a lover.

わがままを一つだけ 最後に抱きしめて
Wagamao Hitotsuke Sigoni Takishimete
Just one time, I want you to you. Give me a hug for the last time.

ごめんね ごめんね 私が弱くて
Gomenne Gomente Watashi Yawakute
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm weak.

Soredemo Anata is a ski.
But I like you.

りんごみたいに赤くなった 私をからかうあなたの顔
Ringo Mittai Akaku Natasio Karakau Anatano Cao
Your face is as red as an apple and makes fun of me.

思い出すだけで どうしてだろう 涙が止まらないよ
Omodas Takede Toshidaro Namida Tomarana.
I can't stop crying just because I think about it

時は今 私だけ置き去りに 流れ始める
Toki and Imam Watashidake Okyuritani Nagare Hajimeru
Time starts to flow with me now.

まだ少しこの気持ち 離したくはないよ
Every time I'm older than Kymoch Hanashitaku.
I still don't want to let this happen a little more.

適度に伸ばした あなたの癖毛が
Tecidoni nobassita anatano kusegaga
Your curly hair is properly stretched.

Yassashiku Kazeni Yuretta
She was waving in the wind.

忘れてしまえたなら この胸のトゲは消えるの ?
Wassertesimatara Kono Muneo Toge and Kieruno
If you forget, does this goo in your chest...?

思うほど寂しくて その度に痛いよ
Omou Hodo Savishikute Sono Tabini Itayo
I'm as lonely as I think I am, and I get sick every time.

ごめんね ごめんね さよならしなくちゃ
Gomenne Gomenne Sayonara-Nashakucha
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have to say goodbye.

Nagarero Kiesetzny Nosete
in the flowing season

二人が出会えたのは 神様のおかげだけれど
Deaetano and Kamimamano Okageda Keredo in Futari
It's thanks to God that we both met.

二人が芽生えたのは 私たちの思いが重なったから
Futari Mebaetano and Watashitachino Omoyi Cassanatakara
The two of you have sprung up because our minds overlap.

それだけ それだけでいいの
Soredake Soretade Iino
That's all it's worth.

Hitoyo Watashino Aisita
You're the one I loved.
See Original

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